Food Basket project

"Daily Bread for Needy Cancer Patients"

Amidst the difficult circumstances faced by cancer patients and their families, the "Food Basket" initiative from the Emirates Cancer Association is a practical step to assist these needy patients. Providing food parcels is not just a material support, but a message of love and hope given to them at a time when they need all the support and help.

The religious and social importance of the project: 

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The most beloved people to Allah are the most beneficial to people," and our noble religion has urged us to social solidarity and helping the needy. The Holy Quran emphasizes this great value by saying: "And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive" (Al-Insan: 8).

The "Food Basket" project translates these teachings into tangible reality, contributing to alleviating some of the burdens of life from the shoulders of needy cancer patients and their families.

Invitation to participate and donate:  

The Emirates Cancer Association invites the entire community to contribute to this charitable project. Every donation, no matter its size, can make a significant difference in the lives of many patients and their families. Your participation is considered an investment in goodness and an expression of the human brotherhood that should unite us as one community.

The expected impact of the project: 

Through your support for the "Food Basket" project, we hope to provide sufficient nutritional support for needy cancer patients, which contributes to improving their quality of life and enhances their ability to face the challenges of treatment. This project also reflects the civilized and humanitarian face of the Emirati community, affirming its commitment to the principles of solidarity and compassion.

The "Food Basket" project:

It is an invitation to everyone who is able to give to be part of this charitable initiative in which the Emirates Cancer Association supports cancer patients and their families.

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