Relieving Hardship

"A Goodwill Gesture to Tackle Financial Burdens by the Emirates Cancer Association:"

In a world full of challenges, financial difficulties add insult to injury, especially for those suffering from diseases like cancer. Herein lies the significance of the "Relieving Hardship" project launched by the Emirates Cancer Association, a targeted initiative to support patients and their families by settling rental arrears, medical debts, educational dues, and utility bills.

Importance of the Project:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever relieves a believer’s distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter" (agreed upon). This project embodies the teachings of this Hadith, aiding individuals to overcome their financial crises and providing support during hard times.

Types of Arrears Supported by the Project:

- Rental arrears: To ensure housing stability for patients and their families.

- Medical debts: To alleviate the financial burden of treatment.

- Educational dues: To support the continuity of education for patients' children.

- Utility bills: To guarantee the provision of basic services.

Call for Donation and Participation:

"And whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah" (Al-Baqarah: 110).

We invite the community in all its segments to participate in this charitable project, whether through financial donations or personal effort. Every contribution, no matter how small, will have a significant impact on the lives of those suffering.

The "Relieving Hardship" Project

is not just a charitable initiative but a message of hope and solidarity, affirming the values of mercy and affection that should prevail among us. In collaboration with the Emirates Cancer Association, we can together lighten some of the burdens of this life on those facing health challenges. Let's be part of this noble initiative, united against difficulties, providing the necessary support for patients and their families.

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